Make your own 3D Dr. Fizzlebop Cube PersonDownload Dr. Fizzlebop CUBEECRAFT, print and have fun cutting, folding, and fitting this paper craft together.
The instructions are simple and for a limited time the Dr. Fizzlebop CUBEECRAFT is free, just click the button below and download.
Introduction:Christmas! I don’t know about your family, but on December 1 we’re ready to get in the Christmas spirit. We start our Advent calendar of 25 days of family activities and it’s full of family fun. We ring the bell for the Salvation Army, ice-skate as a family, put on our own Christmas play, and so much more. Christmas can be such a wondrous time of family and giving. And today we’re going to have a fizztastic experiment that will truly fizz and fizz and fizz. FIZZ TIP: You can download the Fizzlebop family’s 25 Days of Advent activity calendar at WARNING! This experiment requires scissors. Safety first! Fizzlebop Supply List:
The Experiment: 1. Pour the baking soda into the mixing bowl. Slowly add the water and 3 drops of green food coloring. FIZZ TIP: This mixture should create a crumbly but packable dough. 2. Stir sequins and glitter into the mixture. 3. Cut a paper plate in half. Then wrap it into a cone and fasten it with tape. (Use the other half for a second fizztastic tree!) 4. Flip the cone upside down. Tightly pack the dough into the cone shape. FIZZ TIP: Make sure the dough is tightly packed all the way to the tip. 5. Place the cone of dough in the freezer on a tray. Let it sit overnight. 6. The next day, peel off the paper cone and set your “tree” back on the tray. 7. Add a light snowfall of baking soda around the bottom for more fizzing action. 8. Mix the vinegar with 3 drops of green food coloring. 9. Use the eyedropper to squirt a few drops of green vinegar on top of your Christmas tree. Observe what you see. 10. Continue dripping vinegar on the tree until all the fizztastic fun is over. “Dr. Fizzlebop, what’s happening?” You made a fizzing Christmas chemical reaction by adding the vinegar to the molded baking-soda tree. Baking soda is a base (a compound that can neutralize an acid or react with an acid to form a salt), and vinegar is an acid (a chemical substance that can neutralize or dissolve some substances). When these two combine, they produce a gas called carbon dioxide. And you know what carbon dioxide is great for? Fizz, lots of fizz! So when the two react, the fizzing begins. You can hear it, see it, and even smell it. Collecting Your Family’s DataDescribe your dough Christmas tree when you removed it from the paper-plate mold.
Describe what happened to the tree when you added the vinegar. |
Dr. FizzlebopI believe in the four Fs: Faith, Family, Fun, and FIZZ! Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop: 52 Fizztastically Fun Experiments and Devotions for FamiliesArchives
December 2023