Welcome to Fizzlebop Labs! I’m Dr. Phineas Einstein Fizzlebop, and I am thrilled to have your family assisting me. We’re going to cover a lot of great experiments—and many of my favorite Bible stories as well. Here at Fizzlebop Labs, my goal is to explore the amazing intricacies God programmed right into our world. And while doing so, we will learn more from the guide He gave us: the Bible. As a scientist, I’m often questioned about how I can believe in God and trust science at the same time. But when you see how God’s intricate design runs through everything, it’s impossible not to trust God as the one behind all of it. The Bible is full of many great stories, each teaching us something about our Creator. The experiments in this book will also teach us about how our Amazing Creator designed the world. You see, there are three things I am passionate about: God, science, and fizz! So join me and let’s grow in our knowledge of God, explore science, and make some fizz along the way. Come along as a family on this fifty-two-experiment extravaganza. Here we go! Zealously, Dr. P. E. Fizzlebop P.S.—I recommend always having seltzer tablets on hand during these experiments. Because after all, everything is better with fizz. Keep your Bible near because you’ll be using it with each devotional. And always wear safety goggles. And one very last thing: be sure to share videos and photos of your family’s experiment with me by tagging them on social media with #Fizzlebop. I’m always looking for great ways to share other scientists’ experiments and experiences with the world. Okay, let’s get fizzing! So come along on our fizztastic journey through faith and science and a whole lot of colorful fizzy fun!
Dr. FizzlebopI believe in the four Fs: Faith, Family, Fun, and FIZZ! Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop: 52 Fizztastically Fun Experiments and Devotions for FamiliesArchives
December 2023