Mommy's Favorite Smell & Daddy's Favorite Sound
My daughter asked me, “Is this your favorite sound?” as she moved a slinky back and forth in her little hands.
“No that’s not my favorite sound,” I said.
“What’s your favorite sound?” she asked.
"Kinley, I love you," I said.
"Daddy, I love you too," she repeated.
I smiled and said, "That is my favorite sound!"
And that is how Little Lion came to be. After ten years and many drafts, Daddy's Favorite Sound found a home with Harvest House. And soon there were two books, one for Daddy and one for Mommy.
All the credit for the second book's idea, Mommy's Favorite Smell, goes to my wife. We were driving back from a date talking about what Mommy's Favorite could be and she shared one her favorite moments as a mom with me, and that was it. We are excited to share what Mommy's Favorite Smell is to us, and we think you'll probably agree. But to find out, you'll have to read the book aloud to your kids or grandkids or classroom.
“No that’s not my favorite sound,” I said.
“What’s your favorite sound?” she asked.
"Kinley, I love you," I said.
"Daddy, I love you too," she repeated.
I smiled and said, "That is my favorite sound!"
And that is how Little Lion came to be. After ten years and many drafts, Daddy's Favorite Sound found a home with Harvest House. And soon there were two books, one for Daddy and one for Mommy.
All the credit for the second book's idea, Mommy's Favorite Smell, goes to my wife. We were driving back from a date talking about what Mommy's Favorite could be and she shared one her favorite moments as a mom with me, and that was it. We are excited to share what Mommy's Favorite Smell is to us, and we think you'll probably agree. But to find out, you'll have to read the book aloud to your kids or grandkids or classroom.
Bedtime story-time remembered for a Lifetime
Bedtime Story-time Encourages a Lifetime of Growing
“One more story? Please!” asked my daughter. And a smile slipped across my face.
Our family really loves bedtime story-time at our house. From the colorful creations of Eric Carle and sing-song words of Bill Martin to the get lost in imagination stories of Maurice Sendak or wordless wonders of Aaron Becker, our family loves this time together. We sit snuggled up on the floor or couch and indulge ourselves in our favorite books. Some books make nightly rounds for weeks on end, some are pulled from the shelf to add depth to a lesson or discussion we've had that day.
These are the times when as my little ones grow older, as all little ones must, I take refuge knowing we are building lasting memories and deep relationships with our kids. I hope that our children will cherish these times together as much as I do. And I believe they will.
A Good Rhythm and Routine
Reading together at bedtime has become such an essential part of our family, that we make it a priority. And if one of those days come where mommy and daddy are busy or tired (and they do happen), and we try to "skip" it, our kids don't let us. I count that a blessing and a victory. They desire this time with us, time to learn, time to listen, time to talk, and time to imagine.
Inspire Creativity and Build a Legacy
This small effort each night has already produced great fruit in our kids' love for books and their ability to consume books far more quickly than I could as a child. It has inspired them to create their own artwork and stories, and indeed you'll note my own children listed as co-authors on Mommy's Favorite Smell and Daddy's Favorite Sound.
Not only can we share our favorite stories from childhood or use a book for a teachable moment, but we can better understand our children’s own interests. My oldest is drawn to stories about animals, while my two middles love stories of princesses and girls like them, and my youngest is all about cars.
Guaranteed Fun
I hope you'll let us encourage you in your pursuit to connect more deeply with your child or grandchild. Grab a copy of Mommy’s Favorite Smell and Daddy’s Favorite Sound for your bedtime story time, your kids will have fun trying to guess the favorite sound and smell, and sure to enjoy you making those silly sounds and doing your best lion voices.
I know you’ll enjoy the fruit of your efforts and your kids will too!
And look out next year for the release of Bedtime on Noah's Ark based on our own family's bedtime routine.