Interview with Brock Eastman Featuring Siren's Fury Brock: Tell us about the main character’s development in Siren's Fury. Mary: In Storm Siren (Book 1) Nym faced a storm raging around her in the form of Adora, Eogan, war, love and loss. Now, in Siren’s Fury, Nym is facing a storm inside of her, when, after losing her Elemental abilities, she compromises what she knows to be right and chooses to absorb a dark power in an effort to save someone. However, she quickly discovers that instead of being able to control the evil within like she had hoped, the darkness begins taking over her. Brock: In three words, what is Siren's Fury about? Mary: Loss. Compromise. Surrender. Brock: How do you believe this part of the story (in the series) relates to the lives of readers? Mary: In Siren’s Fury, the issue I think readers will most identify with is that struggle regarding compromise and its consequences. Specifically when done with the right intentions (which is usually the case) as well as when “wrong” and “right” seem relative. But of course truth is invariable, and, while each compromise of that truth has consequences (often severe), there is also grace for redemption and overcoming. Brock: Is there any biblical background or basis for the book? Mary: Faith is an integral part of my life and therefore biblical principles and struggles will always be a part of my stories. If I were going to make any biblical comparison, it’d be that Nym reminds me very much of King David – with a beautiful heart full of compassion, but making an unwise choice when faced with impossible-seeming circumstances. Brock: What feedback have you received from readers in regards to the series? Mary: *laughs* Hands down the most often received comment is “WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU DOOOOOO?!”(in regards to Storm Siren). Which is almost always followed by kind words from readers about being able to relate to Nym and her internal struggles as well as her victories. I’ve been enormously touched by the amount of incredible people who take time to write notes about how they’ve been inspired. Brock: Are you working on the next book in the series? What is the title? Mary: I’m currently doing edits on Book 3 (still untitled!) and I’ll be honest – they’re by far the hardest thus far. I think I’m feeling my own pressure of wanting to wrap Nym’s story up well and do my amazing readers justice. :0) Brock: Can you give us a hint at the next book in the series? Mary: Ooh yes! We’ll get a glimpse into Cashlin (and all its weirdness), discover more of the Dark Army’s creepiness, learn about Nym’s birth and backstory, and encounter decisions that will equal life, love, loss, and death. As well as an epic finale (which I’m hoping readers won’t hate me for, ahem). ;0) Brock: If your book changed as you wrote it, how is it different than how you originally planned? Mary: The characters have changed more than anything – their struggles and strengths have become clearer and more personal to what I see myself and others encounter. Brock: Were any scenes or characters cut from the book? Can you give an example? Mary: *laughs* I seriously think I might be the most boring writer in the world! I write in a straight line from start to finish – and usually add a scene or two during edits, but there aren’t any I ever cut (weirdly enough). However, I can say my editors and I were so fond of a new boy named Kel that we enhanced his storyline. And he’ll be fully in Book 3. Brock: How do you hope parents will use this book with their kids/teens? Mary: As a parent of 2 teen girls and a pre-teen boy, I’m always looking for stories to inspire a deeper love of reading in my kids. But even more so, I’m looking for stories to ignite their hunger for adventure and reflective truth at a soul level. I hope Siren’s Fury does that. :0) Brock: What do you hope kids/teens take away from this book or series? Mary: (1) Courage to live their own incredible stories that God has written. (2) Understanding it’s both the beautiful and broken bits (the ups and downs) that make us who we are and our life stories come ALIVE. (3) Bravery to accept and embrace the unique individual God has created them to be (because he only creates glorious things). :0) Brock: How long did it take you to write Siren's Fury? Mary: 7 ½ months Brock: Favorite book? Mary: Gah – there are SO manyyyy!! But my current obsession is Marie Rutkoski’s incredibly brilliant WINNER’S TRILOGY (because off-the-chart FEELS). And Marissa Meyer’s LUNAR CHRONICLES (because Captain Thorne is Han Solo in book form). Brock: Favorite sound? Mary: My husband’s voice, my children’s laughter, and my steaming espresso machine. Brock: Weirdest food you’ve tried? Hmm…probably rattlesnake (and yes, it tastes like chicken – stringy chicken :0)). Although my husband and daughter have me beat - last year in Cambodia they ate deep-fried tarantula. Apparently it takes like bacon. Author website: Author Facebook: Author Twitter: Author Instagram:
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