God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. —1 CORINTHIANS 12:18-20 STARLOG ENTRY 1.001Greetings from the orbital platform Provider! My name is Gavin Greystone, and I live here on Provider with my family. My dad’s name is Phoenix, my mom is Nebula, my brother is Comet, and my sister is Aurora. You could say my family is living on the edge—both because we’re living on the furthest edge of human civilization, and because our work out here is so dangerous. Here on Provider, we are somewhere between 746 million and one billion miles from Earth, depending on our current position in the solar system. That’s a long way from our home planet! Provider orbits Titan, one of Saturn’s moons, and it was built by the Alliance of Spacefaring Nations (ASN). Five years ago, my family arrived at Provider on board a spaceship called Beyond. I was seven years old at the time. We moved here from Mars to oversee the construction of Inspire, the first human settlement on Titan and soon to be our new home. We have an artificial intelligence system named KEWD. (Don’t ask me what it stands for because no one ever told me.) This AI is built into all of our computer systems, helping us with our work and with living life out here in space. Most of our work on the surface of Titan is done remotely by our team of constructo-bots. With KEWD’s help, my family creates these robots’ tasks, verifies their work, and solves problems that happen along the way. There are a few other people aboard Provider too. Their job is making sure the station continues to function, communicating with the ASN command center on Earth, and conducting other experiments. But when it comes to establishing a settlement on Titan, it’s the Greystone family or bust. We are a hundred percent on the hook for the success or failure of our habitat, called a hab-dome, on Titan’s surface. Eventually, the Inspire settlement will include other hab-domes, but completing this one is our first priority. Our family has trained hard to become a fantastic team. Not that we don’t have the occasional setback or argument! My brother, Comet, likes to be in charge (even though he isn’t), and my sister, Aurora, thinks she has the answer to every problem (even though she doesn’t). I don’t let either of them push me around. I may be the youngest, but I’m taller than both of them, and I read a lot because, well, there isn’t a lot else to do out here at what feels like the edge of the galaxy. Dad and Mom are good about keeping us focused on our mission and helping us work out our differences. They take time to help each of us develop our own skill sets even if, at times, these skills aren’t necessarily something we want to learn. For example, why do I have to know how to solve math problems when KEWD can do all the calculations for me through my mTalk? I mean, isn’t that why we all have mTalk devices—to communicate, access information, and help us solve problems? If all goes according to plan, Team Greystone will be departing from Provider to the surface of Titan next week to become the first settlers there, making us the third group to establish a settlement on a moon or planet beyond Earth (after the colonies on Luna and Mars). We’ll be the very first humans to touch the surface of Titan! That’s mind-blowing to think about. I’ll be walking in places where no human has ever been. Amazing! Our current team consists of my family members, but it’ll soon expand with two additional families joining us down on Titan. And from there, our settlement will continue to grow. For now though, my parents will lead our family and the two additional families coming to Titan. I hope someday I’ll be as good at leading a team as they are. Faith at the Edge: TeamworkHello, this is KEWD again. I’ll be extracting insights from Gavin’s daily journal entry to take you deeper into some of the challenges he is facing. The Greystone family is a team. No matter what challenges come their way, they rely on each other for all of their successes and failures. Each person in their family has a different skill set that makes them all valuable team members. This is important to help them succeed in their mission to colonize Titan. No role is more important than another; each position is unique and helps the team work together more effectively. Mr. and Mrs. Greystone help Gavin and his siblings sharpen their skills and keep them focused on the task at hand. The Christian life works very similarly to the Greystone team. When you put your trust in Jesus Christ, accepting His offer of salvation, you become a part of a heavenly team. This is a team of Christians working together for a common goal or task: to share God’s love with the world! We learn in 1 Corinthians 12 that this team is similar to the human body. Each part of the body has an essential job, and one part cannot work as effectively without the other. The Bible says that God put each part exactly where He wanted it. God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. —1 CORINTHIANS 12:18-20 Just like Gavin’s parents help him and his siblings stay focused and sharpen their skills, the Lord does the same for you. He puts people in your life to help you grow in your relationship with Him, and He’ll develop your skills so that you can work effectively with your Christian team. Gavin’s family is part of a critical team working together to achieve the goal of establishing a settlement on Titan. You, as a Christian, are also a part of an essential spiritual team working together to achieve the purpose of sharing Jesus with the world. So remember that God loves you and values you as part of His fantastic team. Edge Questions:
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