Edge of the Galaxy: 30 Faith-Filled Adventures |
Fizzing Hearts Devotional
1 If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. 3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it;[a] but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.
4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
8 Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages[b] and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever! 9 Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture! 10 But when the time of perfection comes, these partial things will become useless.
11 When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. 12 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.[c] All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
13 Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.
Fizzlebop Devotional:
The Bible is the most definitive (which means complete and trusted) book of knowledge, and its definition is the exact way God wants us to understand and practice his magnificent creation of love.
In fact, in verse 13, the Bible says love is the greatest of the three things that will last forever. The greatest is love.
Guess what? God loved the world he created so much that he gave his Son as a sacrifice so that we could be forgiven of our sins and live with him in heaven eternally (which means forever). It’s the most fizztastic way he could show his love.
Love isn’t about a box of chocolates—or fizzy hearts. It’s about caring for those around us unconditionally—without jealousy, forgiving them, having faith and hope, and remaining steadfast through life’s trials. It’s about having patience and kindness for everyone in our lives, whether family members, friends, or strangers we have only just met.
So if you’re sending any valentines today, do it with the pure love God gives to you.
Prayer Time:
Dr. Fizzlbop's Fizzy Heart Experiment
Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop: 52 Fizztastically Fun Experiments and Devotions for Families
Welcome to the captivating world of "Edge of the Galaxy" by Brock Eastman – a thrilling science fiction adventure that seamlessly weaves action-packed narratives with faith-filled lessons. This unique science-fiction devotional takes readers on an interplanetary journey with Gavin Greystone and his family, exploring the challenges of life in space while imparting valuable insights applicable to everyday life.
Key Features:
✝️ Faith-Filled Lessons:
- "Edge of the Galaxy" stands out by integrating faith-filled lessons into its gripping storyline. As readers follow Gavin's adventures through his star log entries, they encounter meaningful reflections on faith, identity, and purpose. The narrative serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement, making this devotional a valuable addition to the science fiction genre.
🪐 Interplanetary Adventure:
- Set in the year 2095 on the space station Provider above Saturn's moon, Titan, the story unfolds as Gavin and his family embrace life as space explorers. The challenges they face in space, combined with the excitement of exploration, create a dynamic narrative that keeps readers eagerly turning pages.
👨👩👧👦 Family Dynamics:
- "Edge of the Galaxy" explores the dynamics of Gavin's family as they work together to expand humankind's footprint on the surface of Titan. The story beautifully portrays the bonds of family and the strength derived from unity, making it relatable to readers of all ages.
🎨 Colorful Illustrations:
- Enhancing the reading experience, the book features beautiful color illustrations that bring the interplanetary adventure to life. The visual elements add depth to the storytelling, immersing readers in the vast and wondrous landscapes of space.
🧬 Life's Purpose and Identity:
- Through numerous trials, Gavin discovers not only who he is but also the plan that God has for him. This theme of self-discovery and divine purpose adds a layer of depth to the narrative, encouraging readers to reflect on their own journeys of purpose and identity.
In "Edge of the Galaxy," Brock Eastman has created a masterful blend of science fiction and devotional elements, offering readers a unique and enriching reading experience. This Amazon A+ Page serves as a gateway to the extraordinary world of Gavin Greystone and his family, where faith and adventure converge in the vastness of space. Embark on this interstellar journey and discover the profound lessons that await on the "Edge of the Galaxy."
Party Poppers Devotional
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Fizzlebop Devotional:
Then I look forward to the year ahead. What do I want to accomplish and explore? What do I want to improve? I’m not much for New Year’s resolutions (which are firm commitments to do something), but I do enjoy making a list of things that I’d like to try, improve upon, or accomplish in the next year.
Have you ever made a list of goals? If you did, what would be at the top?
I recognize that my list will change throughout the year. God will open some doors, and he may close others, even if only temporarily. In my heart I understand that God knows what is best for my life. I’ll admit there are times when I fool myself into thinking I know what’s best. The thing is, I have no idea what the future holds. Life changes, but God does not, and he knows what is in store for each of us.
Turn to Ecclesiastes chapter 3 in your Bible. Verse 1 tells us, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” Keep reading, all the way through verse 8.
These verses are a list of opposites, telling us that God has foreseen (which means already knows) everything that will happen under him. He isn’t caught by surprise. He knows the right time to weep and the right time to laugh, to plant and to uproot. What matters is that we trust in him as we move through these seasons of life.
As you prepare for the New Year, don’t make resolutions you can’t keep. Make goals of what you’d like to do or change this year, and then give it all over to God in prayer. Trust him with your desires, and trust him to know the timing of every moment of your life.
Prayer Time:
Think of one thing you can do to help your community or family this year.
Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop: 52 Fizztastically Fun Experiments and Devotions for Families
Featured in Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop:
Fizzing Christmas Trees experiment
Have you ever heard of a man named St. Nicholas, also known as St. Nick? St. Nick lived a long time ago (around AD 280) in a place called Asia Minor, which is part of modern-day Turkey (the country, not the bird). As a boy, he traveled widely with his parents and saw many magnificent things, but sadly both of his parents died in an epidemic (which is an out-break of sickness), leaving him an orphan. Nicholas inherited his parents’ fortune, and as a strong Christian, he lived out Jesus’ teachings on generosity.
We can learn what Jesus had to say about being generous in the story of the Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:17-31). Have you read that part of the Bible? If not, turn there now and check it out!
Jesus told the rich young man, “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
What the young rich man found to be a huge obstacle, Nicholas followed with all his heart. He gave generously from his inheritance and often gave anonymously. Not only did Nicholas want to give as Jesus had commanded, but he didn’t want to be praised or glorified by doing so. He knew that all he had came from God, and therefore it wasn’t really his at all.
To me, St. Nick is such a marvelous example of what Christmas is all about. When God gave us his Son, he gave the greatest gift he could. Jesus gave his life so people could be saved. It’s a free gift for anyone who chooses to follow him. Can you see how St. Nick’s selfless giving pointed toward what God and his Son, Jesus, both gave freely?
This Christmas, consider how you can give generously and anonymously to someone who needs to feel God’s exuberant, overwhelming love. I promise you’ll feel fizztastic inside, because when we do what God asks, we are filled with wondrous joy.
Prayer Time
Devotional Questions
Are there any new traditions you’d like to start this year? (We have some suggestions here)
What is a way you can celebrate Jesus’ birthday by showing his love to someone in your community?
Speaking of Saint Nicholas Checkout this New Christmas Book
Two sisters set out on a wintry adventure with one important goal: give Mrs. Umberoach a wondrous surprise for Christmas Day. But what will the girls find when they arrive to deliver their surprise at the mysterious house at the end of the street—the one where kites go missing and strange rumors abound? With the help of their mom, the sisters discover the joy of giving instead of receiving and that friends, indeed, are everywhere if only we look.
St. Nicking at Night is an adventure about seeing past appearances and loving your neighbor as yourself. Combining the anonymous giving spirit of Saint Nick with the three gifts of the magi (wisemen), your family will discover a new way to celebrate Christmas with an exciting new tradition you'll want to continue year after year.
Create a New Family Tradition
A fun way to show God’s love to someone in need.
How do we start?
Ask your church or a local shelter to find a family in need. Learn the names and ages of each family member. If possible, find out clothing sizes, interests and specific needs.
How does it work?
Plan a Saint Nicking party as a family. You can also invite others to join the fun. Assign one member from the family in need to each family who wants to help. With a list of suggested items in hand, everyone heads out to shop. When everyone finishes shopping, the wrapping party begins. You can turn on Christmas music and enjoy cookies and hot chocolate as gifts are being wrapped. Now it’s time to deliver the presents. The key to a successful Saint Nicking is to deliver the packages without being seen (like Saint Nick). You can send one car to deliver the gifts. You could also wear fun disguises. Or you could ask your church or local shelter to deliver the gifts anonymously. Finally, imagine the joy of the family who receives gifts picked just for them! And pray for them to have a wondrous Christmas!
Squishy Turkeys Devotional
Psalm 107:8-9
and for the wonderful things he has done for them.
9 For he satisfies the thirsty
and fills the hungry with good things.
Fizzlebop Devotional:
And that was just my family! Imagine what God is doing every second of every day all around the world for the billions of people who live here on earth. The world should be bursting with thankfulness and happiness. Psalm 107:8-9 says, “Let them praise the Lord for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them. For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”
In the Bible, we also read, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NIV). “All circumstances” doesn’t only mean when life is fizztastic—it means even when life is arduous (which means difficult). These are the times when we should turn our eyes and hearts to God and pray. These are the times we must go deeper into his arms of hope, love, and joy.
Fizz Fact:
Prayer Time:
As a family, come up with twelve things you are thankful for. They can be from the past year or anytime during your life. Share why you’re thankful for each of these things.
Watch the Experiment
—1 CORINTHIANS 12:18-20
My name is Gavin Greystone, and I live here on Provider with my family. My dad’s name is Phoenix, my mom is Nebula, my brother is Comet, and my sister is Aurora. You could say my family is living on the edge—both because we’re living on the furthest edge of human civilization, and because our work out here is so dangerous.
Here on Provider, we are somewhere between 746 million and one billion miles from Earth, depending on our current position in the solar system. That’s a long way from our home planet! Provider orbits Titan, one of Saturn’s moons, and it was built by the Alliance of Spacefaring Nations (ASN).
Five years ago, my family arrived at Provider on board a spaceship called Beyond. I was seven years old at the time. We moved here from Mars to oversee the construction of Inspire, the first human settlement on Titan and soon to be our new home.
We have an artificial intelligence system named KEWD. (Don’t ask me what it stands for because no one ever told me.) This AI is built into all of our computer systems, helping us with our work and with living life out here in space. Most of our work on the surface of Titan is done remotely by our team of constructo-bots. With KEWD’s help, my family creates these robots’ tasks, verifies their work, and solves problems that happen along the way.
There are a few other people aboard Provider too. Their job is making sure the station continues to function, communicating with the ASN command center on Earth, and conducting other experiments. But when it comes to establishing a settlement on Titan, it’s the Greystone family or bust. We are a hundred percent on the hook for the success or failure of our habitat, called a hab-dome, on Titan’s surface. Eventually, the Inspire settlement will include other hab-domes, but completing this one is our first priority.
Our family has trained hard to become a fantastic team. Not that we don’t have the occasional setback or argument! My brother, Comet, likes to be in charge (even though he isn’t), and my sister, Aurora, thinks she has the answer to every problem (even though she doesn’t). I don’t let either of them push me around. I may be the youngest, but I’m taller than both of them, and I read a lot because, well, there isn’t a lot else to do out here at what feels like the edge of the galaxy.
Dad and Mom are good about keeping us focused on our mission and helping us work out our differences. They take time to help each of us develop our own skill sets even if, at times, these skills aren’t necessarily something we want to learn. For example, why do I have to know how to solve math problems when KEWD can do all the calculations for me through my mTalk? I mean, isn’t that why we all have mTalk devices—to communicate, access information, and help us solve problems?
If all goes according to plan, Team Greystone will be departing from Provider to the surface of Titan next week to become the first settlers there, making us the third group to establish a settlement on a moon or planet beyond Earth (after the colonies on Luna and Mars). We’ll be the very first humans to touch the surface of Titan! That’s mind-blowing to think about. I’ll be walking in places where no human has ever been. Amazing!
Our current team consists of my family members, but it’ll soon expand with two additional families joining us down on Titan. And from there, our settlement will continue to grow. For now though, my parents will lead our family and the two additional families coming to Titan. I hope someday I’ll be as good at leading a team as they are.
Faith at the Edge: Teamwork
The Greystone family is a team. No matter what challenges come their way, they rely on each other for all of their successes and failures. Each person in their family has a different skill set that makes them all valuable team members. This is important to help them succeed in their mission to colonize Titan. No role is more important than another; each position is unique and helps the team work together more effectively. Mr. and Mrs. Greystone help Gavin and his siblings sharpen their skills and keep them focused on the task at hand.
The Christian life works very similarly to the Greystone team. When you put your trust in Jesus Christ, accepting His offer of salvation, you become a part of a heavenly team. This is a team of Christians working together for a common goal or task: to share God’s love with the world! We learn in 1 Corinthians 12 that this team is similar to the human body. Each part of the body has an essential job, and one part cannot work as effectively without the other. The Bible says that God put each part exactly where He wanted it.
God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.
—1 CORINTHIANS 12:18-20
Just like Gavin’s parents help him and his siblings stay focused and sharpen their skills, the Lord does the same for you. He puts people in your life to help you grow in your relationship with Him, and He’ll develop your skills so that you can work effectively with your Christian team.
Gavin’s family is part of a critical team working together to achieve the goal of establishing a settlement on Titan. You, as a Christian, are also a part of an essential spiritual team working together to achieve the purpose of sharing Jesus with the world. So remember that God loves you and values you as part of His fantastic team.
Edge Questions:
- What teams have you been a part of? What role did you play on those teams?
- Did you feel that your strengths were used in these roles? Or is there something else you would have liked to try?
- Read 1 Corinthians 12. What is the reason we are a team? How has being part of a team strengthened you? How has being part of a team helped you realize the value of having people with different gifts and skills?
- Wakeup
- Breakfast
- Get Dressed
- Go to School/Work
- Classes/Meetings
- Lunch
- Classes/Meetings
- School Pickup
- Activities
- Dinner
- Devotions
- Sleep
Devotions, yes, your time with God. Prayer and reading your Bible fills YOU, your soul, your mind, your emotions. We need fuel from God, which happens by spending time with Him daily. The time with our Creator helps us make it through our day.
When I haven’t spent time with our Lord, my attitude sours, and I grow weary and tired from the rigors of our world. Only when He is at the forefront of my mind do I feel full and can reflect His love outward. Even my interactions with my family, friends, and co-workers are better. That's because when we fill ourselves with the good things God has for us (learning through His word), we begin to exude (which also means living out) Him in our attitudes and actions!
So I want to encourage you to find a devotional to start the school year with, read it, stick with it, and find that time with God.
I’ve got a great list of devotionals I wrote up in a post to get you started, and I would love to hear about the devotionals you use in the post's comments section.
Check out the list at the button below.
On Sale
On Sale
Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop: 52 Fizztastically Fun Experiments and Devotions for Families
✨ Introducing Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop - A Fizztastic Adventure!
- 52 Experiments & Devotions
- Full color illustrations
- Easy step by step guide
- Easy prep with a curated supply list
🔬 52 Easy Experiments for Curious Minds:
Explore the wonders of faith and science with 52 exciting experiments designed for kids and parents to enjoy together. Each experiment, carefully curated by Dr. Fizzlebop, offers a delightful blend of learning and fun, making it perfect for weekly family adventures or convenient exploration at your own pace.
🎥 Fizzlebop Labs Web Series
Enhance your experiment experience! Access how-to videos for each experiment in our free Fizzlebop Labs web series. Dr. Fizzlebop himself guides you through the process, adding an interactive and visual dimension to your scientific and faith-filled journey.
📚 Faith-Infused Devotionals for Deeper Learning:
Connect faith and science seamlessly with devotions accompanying each experiment. Dr. Fizzlebop is on a mission to show kids how these two worlds intersect. Delve deeper into God's amazing design as each experiment unfolds, providing a holistic understanding of the wonders around us.
⏱️ Quick and Engaging:
Busy schedules? No problem! On average, each experiment takes just 5 to 10 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for the devotional. It's the perfect blend of educational and entertaining content that fits seamlessly into your family's routine.
👨🔬 Meet Dr. Phineas Einstein Fizzlebop:
Our expert and slightly quirky guide, Dr. Fizzlebop, is passionate about three things: God, science, and fizz. Embrace his enthusiasm as he leads you through a Fizztastic journey at Fizzlebop Labs. Though a bit cheesy at times, Dr. Fizzlebop's love for God, science, and fizz shines through in every experiment.
🌐 Extravaganza of Experiments and Bible Studies:
Join guest scientists (families) in an extravaganza of experiments and Bible studies. Fizzlebop Labs offers a blend of fun, facts, and fizz, creating an engaging and memorable experience for learners of all ages.
🚀 Embark on a Fizztastic Adventure:
Bring faith and science together in a Fizztastic way! Order Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop now and prepare for a journey filled with awe, wonder, and the joy of discovery. Unleash your inner scientist and explorer with experiments that spark curiosity and devotionals that deepen your understanding of God's incredible design!
On Sale
On Sale
Dr. Fizzlbop's Fizzy Heart Experiment
Join Dr. Fizzlebop in a fizztastic science experiment and devotional for Valentine's Day.
This digital package includes a how-to video, downloadable instructions, and devotional (pdf).
On Sale
On Sale
Edge of the Galaxy: 30 Faith-Filled Adventures
Edge of the Galaxy - A Unique Science-Fiction Devotional
Welcome to the captivating world of "Edge of the Galaxy" by Brock Eastman – a thrilling science fiction adventure that seamlessly weaves action-packed narratives with faith-filled lessons. This unique science-fiction devotional takes readers on an interplanetary journey with Gavin Greystone and his family, exploring the challenges of life in space while imparting valuable insights applicable to everyday life.
Key Features:
✝️ Faith-Filled Lessons:
- "Edge of the Galaxy" stands out by integrating faith-filled lessons into its gripping storyline. As readers follow Gavin's adventures through his star log entries, they encounter meaningful reflections on faith, identity, and purpose. The narrative serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement, making this devotional a valuable addition to the science fiction genre.
🪐 Interplanetary Adventure:
- Set in the year 2095 on the space station Provider above Saturn's moon, Titan, the story unfolds as Gavin and his family embrace life as space explorers. The challenges they face in space, combined with the excitement of exploration, create a dynamic narrative that keeps readers eagerly turning pages.
👨👩👧👦 Family Dynamics:
- "Edge of the Galaxy" explores the dynamics of Gavin's family as they work together to expand humankind's footprint on the surface of Titan. The story beautifully portrays the bonds of family and the strength derived from unity, making it relatable to readers of all ages.
🎨 Colorful Illustrations:
- Enhancing the reading experience, the book features beautiful color illustrations that bring the interplanetary adventure to life. The visual elements add depth to the storytelling, immersing readers in the vast and wondrous landscapes of space.
🧬 Life's Purpose and Identity:
- Through numerous trials, Gavin discovers not only who he is but also the plan that God has for him. This theme of self-discovery and divine purpose adds a layer of depth to the narrative, encouraging readers to reflect on their own journeys of purpose and identity.
In "Edge of the Galaxy," Brock Eastman has created a masterful blend of science fiction and devotional elements, offering readers a unique and enriching reading experience. This Amazon A+ Page serves as a gateway to the extraordinary world of Gavin Greystone and his family, where faith and adventure converge in the vastness of space. Embark on this interstellar journey and discover the profound lessons that await on the "Edge of the Galaxy."
Peter’s Denial of Jesus (Luke 22:61)
Luke 22:61 KJV
And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.
After Jesus was arrested, Peter faced this very dilemma. Open your Bible and read Luke 22:54-62 to see what happened.
Peter was the only one of Jesus’ disciples who dared to leave the boat and walk on water! Peter had a big heart and a big mouth, which often got him in trouble. I’m a lot like Peter. I, too, am one to jump before I think. More than one experiment has gone awry (which means wrong) because I didn’t take the time to ponder (which means think). Mostly, though, Peter’s leaping to action because he trusted Jesus was a good thing. And yet Peter and I have something else in common too—something not so fizztastic.
This one kid in my class, Max, was good at art—he could sculpt anything out of clay, and he made the best comic strips. They were so funny! One time my friends were making fun of one of Max’s projects. I heard a voice in my head telling me this wasn’t right, but I did nothing.
Then one of my friends tripped Max as he walked by. His clay sculpture fell and shattered into a gazillion pieces. A screw twisted in my stomach, and the voice inside me said this wasn’t right. Yet again, I didn’t listen—I said nothing.
Finally, as Max began to cry over the destruction of his masterpiece, my friends started to laugh and point. And though my stomach churned and the voice sounded louder, I still did nothing. I just followed my friends as they walked down the hall and gave each other high-fives. I heard Max’s whimpers behind me.
That night in my room, I began to cry as I tried to pray. I realized how wrong I’d been. I hadn’t acted as God had created me to act—in fact, like Peter, I’d denied Jesus three times. “I tell you the truth, Peter--this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny three times that you even know me” (Matthew 26:34).
Three times the Spirit of God had prompted me to act, and I’d ignored him three times.
I knew what I had to do, so the next day, I sought out (which means looked for) Max. He turned away as I approached, embarrassed. But I tapped him on the shoulder and said, “Max, I am very sorry.” I told him I was a Christian but hadn’t acted like one. And that I was sorry for not standing up for him.
Instead of being angry or blowing me off, Max surprised me. He quoted my favorite Bible verse, Ephesians 4:32: “Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Max smiled. “I forgive you.”
Relief washed over me, and that was a turning point in my life. It wasn’t as though I never sinned again, but I knew that if I did, the best thing I could do was face the one I had wronged and apologize.
And, you know, Peter changed too after Jesus forgave him. Peter became a man of action once again. This time, he would be sure his actions weren’t based on his ideas but on God’s.
“Strengthen your brothers,” Jesus told him. So that’s what Peter did. He became one of the most outstanding, fizztastic leaders of Christ's followers, with his weakness turning to marvelous strength. His story gave me hope then, and it gives me hope today. Is there someone in your life you’ve been unkind to? Or have you stood by while others were unkind to that person? Pray for God to allow you to seek forgiveness from them and perhaps even to become friends.
Prayer Time
Discussion Questions
Devotional Featured in Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop
Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop: 52 Fizztastically Fun Experiments and Devotions for Families
Below you’ll find a must-have selection of ten (plus one) devotionals sure to engage your kids with their faith.
Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop: 52 Fizztastically Fun Experiments and Devotions for Families
Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop features 52 easy experiments kids and parents can do together once a week or at their convenience. Each experiment will have a how-to video featured in the free Fizzlebop Labs web series. Building on Dr. Fizzlebop’s desire to show kids how faith and science connect, each experiment connects to a devotional that allows kids to go deeper and learn about God’s amazing design for everything around them. On average, each experiment takes 5 to 10 minutes and the devotional is an additional 5 minutes. Our expert and guide, Dr. Phineas Einstein Fizzlebop, is a bit quirky and maybe a little cheesy at times, but he is passionate about three things: God, science, and fizz―and all come together wonderfully at Fizzlebop Labs. Guest scientists (families) will journey through the Bible in an extravaganza of experiments and Bible studies full of fun, facts, and fizz. (Tyndale Kids) written by Brock Eastman |
Edge of the Galaxy: 30 Faith-Filled Adventures
Edge of the Galaxy combines action-packed science fiction with faith-filled lessons that readers can apply to their own lives. It is a unique science-fiction devotional where you follow the exciting exploits of Gavin and his family through his star log entries. There are beautiful color illustrations throughout the book that bring this interplanetary adventure to life! The year is 2095, and 12-year-old Gavin Greystone is on the space station Provider above the Saturn moon of Titan. In Edge of the Galaxy, Gavin and his family work and live as space explorers. Life in space is certainly not easy, or even all that safe, but it’s definitely an exciting adventure. From Provider, Gavin’s family will work with other families to create a life on the surface of Titan as they expand humankind’s footprint and prepare for more settlers. Through many trials, Gavin will learn who he is and the plan God has for him. (Focus on the Family) written by Brock Eastman |
Made to Create with All My Heart and Soul: 60 Worship-through-Art Devotions for Girls
For girls who like to draw, sketch, imagine, explore, paint, smudge, color, write, and bring ideas to life! You are a wonderful work of art, a unique creation put together by a loving God who has big plans in mind for you! Paint, doodle, and craft your way to a better understanding of who God created you to be! You’ll learn art concepts and do fun projects with Lauren, an art teacher who wants to show you how to use your God-given talents to worship Him! Each day, you’ll read a Bible verse and a short devotion from Lauren, and then you’ll make a work of art that will encourage your creativity and teach you something about your Creator! (Tyndale Kids) written by Lauren Duncan |
Fruit Full: 100 Family Experiences for Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit
A fun family devotional inspiring children to understand the fruit of the Spirit It’s common for kids to memorize the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, goodness, self-control, and all the rest. But that doesn’t mean they understand what it means. Is peace just not fighting with your siblings? Does self-control mean resisting a second dessert? Christie Thomas is skilled at taking complex ideas and making them accessible to kids . . . and adults learn a lot along the way too. Each of her devotions is designed to help parents connect their children with the Holy Spirit through a Scripture passage, thought-provoking questions, ways to apply each verse, and a prayer. And for each fruit, parents can use the optional hands-on activities when there’s extra time. (Kregel Publications) written by Christie Thomas |
God Is in Nature!: A Kids Devotional About His Awesome Creations
The only kids’ nature devotional featuring Scripture, Bible studies, and prayers that collectively teach children to praise God by appreciating nature and His awesome creations In this exciting and inspiring kid devotional, children will learn firsthand about God’s fascinating world and amazing creations. From reading God’s words in the Bible to getting outside and being captivated by the highest mountain and the tiniest fish, kids will connect with God in fun and engaging ways. (Z Kids) written by Jessica Doebler |
The Wonder of Creation: 100 More Devotions About God and Science (Indescribable Kids)
In this captivating devotional readers discover mind-blowing, faith-building scientific facts and biblical truths about the wonder of God’s creation from author, speaker, and founder of the Passion movement Louie Giglio. Well-known for his powerful and highly visual messages about science and the Bible, Louie Giglio has a passion for inspiring kids to notice, enjoy, and marvel at God’s creation. As kids explore this awe-inspiring devotional, they’ll be amazed at the many wonders God has made! (Thomas Nelson) written by Louie Giglio (Author), Tama Fortner, and Nicola Anderson (Illustrator) |
The Action Bible Anytime Devotions: 90 Ways to Help Kids Connect with God Anytime, Anywhere (Action Bible Series)
As today’s kids face a culture of comparison, temptation, and bullying, they need to know God is with them and for them, and He has already proven His power to help them overcome. The Action Bible Anytime Devotions invites kids to connect with God by exploring Bible truth and applying it to their real-world struggles—anytime, anywhere, and as often as they need encouragement. Families who love The Action Bible will perfectly relate to The Action Bible Anytime Devotions as they dig deeper into God’s Word and experience the confidence that can only come from knowing and following Him. (David C Cook) illustrated by Sergio Cariello |
90 Devotions for Kids (Adventures in Odyssey Books)
Written by the Adventures in Odyssey team, 90 Devotions for Kids provides fun, Bible-based devotions for families and will encourage children to spend time learning more about God. There are no better mentors than Whit and the folks from Odyssey to partner with parents as they teach their children about God’s Word and make the truths of the Bible accessible to their kids. (Focus on the Family) written by Adventures in Odyssey |
Roar Like a Lion: 90 Devotions to a Courageous Faith
Kids are wrestling with tough issues these days—peer pressure, purpose, unexpected change or loss, and wondering where their faith fits in with it all. Roar Like a Lion encourages your kids to “run toward the roar” as they face their fears, knowing that God is with them every step of the way. (Thomas Nelson) by Levi Lusko (Author), Tama Fortner (Author), Catherine Pearson (Illustrator) |
Seekers: An Interactive Family Adventure in Following Jesus
Discover the Truth of Ancient Scripture Together! 20 Incredible Puzzles for Your Family to Solve. Looking for an exciting, compelling way to teach children about God and the Bible? Explore this extraordinary resource full of puzzles, art, and clues about the mysteries of the Christian faith. Families with children will love solving cases together in this fantastical, escape-room style book. Seekers: An Interactive Family Adventure in Following Jesus is sure to become your favorite family discipleship resource. (NavPress) by C.S. Fritz (Author) |
Devotions for Super Average Kids
These thirty fun-filled devotional readings for kids will encourage them to tell others about Jesus. Boys and girls alike will be inspired through the antics and adventures of “Average Boy,” who is Super Average when it comes to loving God and showing others how to do the same! Addressing real-life situations, the lessons cover topics like making friends, dealing with backstabbing classmates, getting along with parents and siblings, understanding your changing body, and most importantly, growing your relationship with God. (Focus on the Family) by Jesse Florea (Author), Bob Smiley (Author) |
Tell me about your favorite kids' devotionals in the comments below!
From the Publisher
What do your kids know about the fruit of the Spirit? Maybe they can rattle off the list: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. But do they really understand what the fruits look like in daily life?
Christie Thomas is here to help you connect your children to the power of the Holy Spirit – and help your entire family learn a lot along the way! Each of these 100 devotionals will inspire your family with thought-provoking questions, real-life applications, and more. She also includes hands-on activities you can try when there’s time.
Fruit Full offers real understanding of how God covers each of us with his goodness and love, and how the Spirit will help your kids grow in their own beautiful, Jesus-reflecting character With this book as your guide, the whole family will learn to grow abundant “fruit” together.
“The most comprehensive, well-written family devotional on the fruits of the Spirit that I have ever read…A thoroughly easy-to-read, delightful devotional.”
-Glenys Nellist, author of the Love Letters from God series
The Interview
Christie: In my 20+ years in children’s ministry, I often encountered curriculum that turned the Fruit of the Spirit into character traits we wanted to see in our kids. We labelled apples and bananas with permanent markers and gave them grape-scented stickers and magnets, but kids just didn’t understand. Worse, they didn’t grow spiritually.
Finally, I figured out why.
The Fruit of the Spirit isn’t a to-do list. Training our kids to "do better" at the fruits of the Spirit isn't Christian because the fruits of the Spirit aren't just nice character traits to practice. They are evidence of a life that is crucified with Christ and living in the resurrection power of His Spirit. They're fruit, not rules.
When Paul wrote about the Fruit of the Spirit, he meant that when we put our roots deep down into God’s love and our souls are nurtured by Living Water and we follow the Light of the World, then, like a tree, we will grow good fruit. And the good fruit that grows in our lives as a result of being with Christ is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
The Fruit of the Spirit is evidence of a soul that is growing in Christ.
Fruit Full centres around this concept: that as we spend more time with Jesus, connected to the Vine, we will grow in the fruit of the Spirit. The fruits then will naturally grow because they are the evidence of a life rooted in Christ.
Brock: In three sentences what is this book about?
Christie: How about one sentence? Through Fruit Full, I help your family focus on how Jesus lived out the fruit of the Spirit...and how, as we abide in Christ, the Holy Spirit makes us more like Jesus.
Brock: But it's a long sentence, so we'll take it! What is your favorite genre to write for?
Christie: I love writings stories from the Bible for kids! I’m not fussy as to whether the stories are in picture book or devotional form.
Brock: How do you hope parents will use this book with their kids?
Christie: I hope families will take a few minutes each day to connect with their kids through the devotions, conversation starters, and sample prayers. I also hope families will use the hands-on learning activities in whatever way fits their family best, whether that’s doing a few in one day, one per week, or just adding them as you have time and inspiration.
Brock: What do you hope kids take away from this book or series?
Christie: I hope kids learn that they are deeply loved by Jesus, and that, as believers, they know they have constant access to the Holy Spirit as their Helper and Guide in life.
Brock: Are you a full-time or part-time author/writer?
Christie: Since I also homeschool my three sons, I only have time to write part-time! I write in the evenings and on weekends, but usually try to make sure my kids know they are my priority.
Brock: What is your "how I got published" story?
Christie:I self-published my first book, a preschool devotional and submitted it for a writing contest. It made the short-list, so I flew to the conference on the other side of Canada. It was my first ever writer’s conference, and I gathered up all my courage to meet with an agent during the 1-on-1 sessions. To my shock and delight, his agency signed me on a few weeks later, and I’ve been slowly creating new books ever since.
Brock: When did you realize you wanted to become a writer?
Christie: I loved to write as a child, but wandered away from that dream in university, when I took a biology degree, hoping to get into medicine. However, rather than applying for med school, I ended up loving my summer job in Children’s Ministry and staying there for the next 14 years. Through my time in ministry, I wrote newsletters, skits, Bible stories, and curriculum, which heavily influenced my writing style and rebirthed my dream to be a writer.
Brock: It';s time for the lightning round or unique questions! Soft shell or Hard Shell tacos?
Christie: Tortilla chips. 😉
Brock: Favorite place to vacation?
Christie: The Rocky Mountains.
Brock: Favorite color?
Brock: Where do you live?
Christie: I’m from Alberta, Canada, and live 10 minutes from the house my parents bought in 1978. I love living near my family, and my parents have been amazing cheerleaders during the writing process.
Brock: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
Christie: I homeschool my three sons and (in the summer) putter around in the garden! I am proud to grow cantaloupe in my little greenhouse, despite how far north I live.
Meet the Author
I believe that EVERY Christian mom can confidently nurture deep faith roots in her kids through tiny habits that add up over time.
These tiny habits will grow like roots in your family, and they allow you to be more creative and go deeper with your kids as you develop confidence in God's faithfulness and in your leadership skills.
When you join the Little Shoots, Deep Roots community, you will learn to lead your kids spiritually through little faith habits, without feeling like you have to do it all or know it all.
I'm all about making family faith fun and simple so that your kids love it, and you can feel confident that you're nurturing deep faith roots in your family.
Learn more at
Publisher: Kregel
Audience: Christian families with kids ages 2-12
Genre: Christian family devotional
Release Date: February, 2022
Author Name: Christie Thomas
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